PRFI has a growing library of video tutorials on various aspects of microwave, mmWave and MMIC design. They feature examples of past design IP that we can use to help develop custom products for our clients with reduced risk and timescales.
Videos can be viewed by clicking the individual links below, or by visiting our YouTube channel.
PRFI Overview
A short video summarising PRFI’s capabilities for IC and module design at microwave and mmWave frequencies.
Noise Power Ratio (NPR) – What is it, How Can I Simulate it and How do I Measure it?
Noise Power Ratio (NPR) is an important linearity measurement that is used in many RF and microwave system designs. This paper by Richard Cavanagh, presented at the ARMMS RF & Microwave Society conference in April 2024, describes the simulation of NPR in Keysight ADS and measurement of the CML Micro CMX90A702 and CMX90B701 using Rohde & Schwarz test equipment. Two methods are described, and good agreement is seen between measurement and simulation.
How To Measure Noise Power Ratio (NPR)
Noise Power Ratio (NPR) is a useful linearity measurement for many RF and microwave applications. This video demonstrates how to measure the NPR of a 28GHz 0.4W GaAs MMIC designed by PRFI. A Rohde & Schwarz SMW200A is used to generate the wideband noise power signal at the input and a FSW spectrum analyser is used to obtain accurate measurements of the noise power ratio at the output.
Automating IP3 Measurements
Following on from our previous video on how to measure Third Order Intercept Point (IP3), this video demonstrates how PRFI speeds up our IP3 measurements through Python scripting. IP3 is a key linearity metric for RF, microwave and mmWave amplifiers and other components – please see our previous video for an introduction: How to Measure IP3.
The Benefits of Thermal Imaging for Microwave Module Development
A good thermal camera is useful to have in an RF and microwave lab. PRFI invested in a high-quality unit from Testo to support our high power GaN amplifier module development work. We have found it a very useful diagnostic and analysis tool to support our microwave and mmWave module development activity.
How to Measure IP3
Third Order Intercept Point (IP3) is a key metric for RF, Microwave and mmWave amplifiers and other components. This video explains what IP3 is, and demonstrates how to measure it with a real example amplifier (the CMX90B702 from CML Micro) in PRFI’s lab.
Automated Measurement and Evaluation of 6-bit Amplitude and Phase Control Modules
Richard Cavanagh speaking at the ARMMS RF & Microwave Society conference in Oxford, UK in April 2023.
How to Package mmWave MMICs
Liam Devlin speaking at the ARMMS RF & Microwave Society conference in Wyboston, UK in November 2022.
Optimising Supply Voltage in GaN PA Design
Dave Collins describes how the supply voltage can be used as a variable in the design and optimisation process, which allows the improvement of PA performance at power back-off.
The Advantages of Star Mixers Compared to Quad Diode Rings as Double Balanced Microwave Mixers
Liam Devlin speaking at the ARMMS RF & Microwave Society conference in Oxford, UK in April 2022.
5G Modulation Simulation of 28GHz 5G PA in Keysight ADS
Rob Smith describes how to use Keysight ADS to simulate the performance of a 28GHz power amplifier using 3GPP 5G modulation.
FEM Simulation on Keysight ADS
Rob Smith describes how to use the FEM simulator in Keysight ADS to simulate microwave package transitions and wire bonds. The key to success is to co-design the IC and the package, in order to optimise the performance of the packaged device rather than the IC on its own.
Technical Discussion on mmWave Packaging
Liam Devlin explains the challenges of packaging devices at mmWave frequencies, and the options and techniques available to achieve the best results.
An SMT Packaged 4-Channel mm-Wave PA for 5G Applications
Liam Devlin describes a 4-channel mmWave PA for use in 5G applications, presented at the November 2019 ARMMS conference
A fully-integrated 3.5GHz single-chip GaN Doherty PA for sub-6GHz 5G
Rob Smith describes a fully-integrated 3.5GHz single-chip GaN Doherty PA for sub-6GHz 5G at a recent ARMMS conference
Dual channel SMT packaged PA for operation in Europe’s 26GHz Pioneer Band for 5G
This video describes the development of a dual channel PA housed in a custom laminate SMT package that covers the full 26GHz 5G band.
Power amplifier MMICs for mmWave 5G
Liam Devlin speaking at the 2018 Interlligent RF Design Seminar. The roll-out of 5G promises a step change in wireless data-rates; one of the main strategies to facilitate this will be a move to mm-wave frequencies
The Design and Evaluation of a Plastic Packaged Single-Chip FEM for 28GHz 5G
Liam Devlin speaking at the April 2018 meeting of the ARMMS RF and Microwave Society
Cost-Effective Input Matched GaN Transistor for S-band Radar Applications
Robert Smith of PRFI speaking at the April 2018 meeting of the ARMMS RF and Microwave Society
The Design of a Dual-band PA for mmWave 5G
Technical tutorial video describing the design, layout and performance of a dual-band power amplifier (PA) MMIC, capable of electronically switching its operating band between the 26GHz and 32GHz 5G bands.
mmWave Components and Technologies for 5G Applications
Liam Devlin presents on mmWave components and technologies for 5G applications, at a recent Interlligent UK conference held in Cambridge, UK.
GaN PA Design, Hints and Tips
Helen Duncan interviews Rob Smith on useful tips for GaN Power Amplifier Design
An X-band MMIC PA designed on a UMS GaN Process using Keysight ADS
In this video Stuart Glynn describes the design of an X-band GaN PA using a GaN process from UMS, on keysight’s ADS simulator
The Advantages of Custom MMIC Design
Liam and Helen Duncan present the second of our “Technical Discussions” series on the advantages of custom MMIC design.
Technology Challenges and Emerging Trends for mmWave 5G
Liam and Helen Duncan present the first of our “Technical Discussions” series on the future use of mmWave technology in 5G
A 28GHz, 4-channel Phase Adjustable Power Amplifier IC for 5G front-ends
Liam presents the design of a 4-channel Power Amplifier IC with in-built phase control, for 5G front-end applications
Understanding 2nd order intermods in Amplifiers
In this video Andy explains intermod products in amplifiers. In particular, 2-tone OIP2 is explained, and compared to 1-tone second harmonic intercept point.
The Design of a Broadband MMIC Frequency Doubler
In this tutorial Andy describes the design of an octave-bandwidth double-balanced MMIC frequency doubler using a quad-diode bridge, and two types of planar Marchand baluns
Simulating Distortion of QAM-256 Signals by GaN PAs
This video is a follow on from Stuart’s video on the 15GHz Point to point GaN MMIC PA. In this talk Tony puts a complex modulation scheme through the GaN PA and simulates distortion, eye-diagrams & EVM etc. using MATLAB.
15GHz Point to Point GaN PA MMIC
In this video Stuart explains the design of a compact GaN PA MMIC for use in Linear Point to Point applications at 15GHz.
A Guide to the Design of Laminate PCBs at Microwave Frequencies
This is a recording of a recent paper presented by Liam at the UK ARMMS conference.
Design of Planar Spiral Baluns
Planar spiral baluns are often used in MMIC mixers, for example.
In this video tutorial Andy describes their design and layout, and shows their use in a double-balanced diode mixer.
Broadband (2-18GHz) GaN PA MMIC Design
GaN technology is well suited to the realisation of Power Amplifiers. In this video tutorial Stuart describes the design, layout and simulation of a 2-18GHz GaN PA MMIC using Keysight ADS.
Design and Simulation of Broadband Switches
Liam Devlin describes a design methology for broadband
PHEMT MMIC switches using Keysight’s ADS simulator
RFOW Calibration using an ISS Substrate
Graham Pearson shows how to perform a RF-On-Wafer
calibration using an Impedance Standards Substrate from
Cascade Microtech, & then moves on to measure a GaAs MMIC amplifier.
MMIC Mixer Design and Simulation
Andy Dearn demonstrates a mmWave double-balanced
switching FET mixer using harmonic balance simulation.
Microwave VCO Design using Keysight ADS
Andy shows how to design high frequency oscillators using small- and large-signal techniques.
Simulating rms Phase Error of Integrated Phase Shifters using Keysight ADS
Stuart Glynn describes rms phase error in microwave phase shifters.
Designing mmWave Integrated Filters using Keysight ADS
Andy discusses integrated (MMIC) filters on Keysight’s ADS simulator.