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MMIC Design Verification Services

CML Micro is pleased to offer its clients a MMIC design verification service, allowing customers to reduce risk by having their in-house MMIC designs independently checked by our experienced design team.

Design verification options include:

  • Full simulation MMIC (including EM) from the layout data
  • Design Rule Check against foundry process rules
  • Physical connectivity checker

The output of the verification would be details of the simulated performance (simulation parameters agreed with the client at commencement) and a summary of any potential issues identified by CML Micro Design Services.

MMIC tape-outs are costly and can have long lead-times. This means that MMIC layout or modelling errors can lead to development project delays and cost overruns. Third-party checking of MMIC designs reduces risk and increases the probability of first-pass design success.

To enquire about taking advantage of this service, please contact us.