White Papers
CML Micro has published a series of white papers (technology overviews and case studies) on topics relevant to the RF/Microwave industry. They feature examples of design IP and experience that allow us to develop innovative technology solutions for our clients. Please use the links below to download in PDF format.
High Power GaN SSPA Module Development
Low-loss, Broadband MMIC Phase Adjustment
How to Simulate Noise Power Ratio (NPR) in Keysight ADS
PRFI Closes the Gap between Measured and Modelled MMIC Performance
Designing Digitally Tuneable Microwave Filter MMICs
Single Chip Front End Module (FEM) for 28GHz 5G
The Design of an L-band 125W GaN PA
5W GaN PA using SMT discrete transistor
28GHz PA/4-bit Phase Shifter for 5G RF Front-ends
GaN PAs for Microwave Line of Sight Link Applications
Broadband, Low-loss Limiter MMICs
DC to 20GHz High Linearity GaN SPDT Switch MMIC Case Study
Technology Overview on mmWave SiGe IC Design
Technology Overview on Designing Laminate PCBs
at Microwave Frequencies
Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) White Paper
2-18GHz GaN PA MMIC Case study